Generative AI policies for journal

These policies have been introduced due to the growing use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies by content creators. They aim to offer clearer guidance and transparency for authors, reviewers, editors, readers, and contributors. Current Journal of Neurology will keep an eye on these developments and update the policies as needed.


For authors

Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in Scientific Writing


This policy refers only to the writing process and not to the use of AI tools for data analysis and insights during research. When authors use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in writing, these tools should only enhance readability and language. Human oversight and control are essential, and authors must carefully review and edit the output, as AI can produce authoritative-sounding content that may be incorrect, incomplete, or biased. Authors are ultimately responsible for the content. Authors must disclose the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in their manuscripts, and a statement will appear in the published work. This disclosure supports transparency and trust among authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and contributors, and ensures compliance with the relevant tool’s terms of use. Authors should not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author. Authorship entails responsibilities and tasks that only humans can perform. Each (co-)author is accountable for the accuracy and integrity of the work, must approve the final version, and agree to its submission. Authors are also responsible for ensuring the work is original, that the authors qualify for authorship, and that the work does not infringe on third-party rights. Authors should familiarize themselves with the Ethics in Publishing policy before submission.


Key Points

  • Use AI only to improve readability and language.
  • Human oversight and control are essential.
  • Authors are responsible for the content.
  • Disclose AI use in manuscripts.
  • Do not list AI as an author or co-author.
  • Authors must ensure the work is original and comply with the Ethics in Publishing policy.


Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Tools in Figures, Images, and Artwork

The use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools to create or alter images in submitted manuscripts is not allowed. This includes enhancing, obscuring, moving, removing, or adding features within an image. Adjustments to brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable as long as they do not obscure or remove any original information. Image forensics tools may be used to detect irregularities.

The only exception is if AI or AI-assisted tools are part of the research design or methods (e.g., AI-assisted imaging in biomedical research). Such use must be described in the methods section, including details on how the AI tools were used, the model or tool name, version, and manufacturer. Authors must follow the AI software’s usage policies and ensure proper content attribution. Authors may be asked to provide pre-AI-adjusted images or raw images for editorial review.

The use of generative AI for creating graphical abstracts is not permitted. For cover art, generative AI may be allowed with prior permission from the journal editor and publisher, provided all necessary rights are cleared and proper attribution is ensured.


Key Points

  • Generative AI or AI-assisted tools cannot be used to create or alter images in manuscripts.
  • Brightness, contrast, or color balance adjustments are allowed if they do not obscure original information.
  • AI use in research design or methods must be described in the methods section.
  • Proper content attribution and adherence to AI software policies are required.
  • Generative AI cannot be used for graphical abstracts.
  • Generative AI for cover art may be allowed with prior permission and proper rights clearance.



For reviewers

Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Journal Peer Review Process

When reviewing a manuscript, it must be treated as confidential. Reviewers should not upload any part of the manuscript to generative AI tools, as this may violate confidentiality and proprietary rights, and potentially breach data privacy.

This confidentiality also applies to the peer review report, which may contain sensitive information. Reviewers should not use AI tools to improve the language or readability of their reports.

Peer review is a critical part of the scientific process, requiring human judgment. Generative AI should not be used for scientific review, as it may produce incorrect or biased conclusions. Reviewers are responsible for their review content.

Current Journal of Neurology’s policy allows authors to use AI for language and readability improvements before submission, with proper disclosure. Reviewers can find this disclosure in a separate section before the references.


Key Points

  • Manuscripts must be treated as confidential.
  • Do not upload manuscripts or review reports to AI tools.
  • Peer review requires human judgment; AI should not be used for scientific review.
  • Reviewers are responsible for their review content.
  • Authors can use AI for language improvements with proper disclosure.
  • AI technologies that support the editorial process must respect confidentiality and data privacy.


For editors

The Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Journal Editorial Process

A submitted manuscript must be treated as a confidential document. Editors should not upload a submitted manuscript or any part of it into a generative AI tool as this may violate the authors’ confidentiality and proprietary rights and, where the paper contains personally identifiable information, may breach data privacy rights.

This confidentiality requirement extends to all communication about the manuscript, including any notification or decision letters, as they may contain confidential information about the manuscript and/or the authors. For this reason, editors should not upload their letters into an AI tool, even if it is just for the purpose of improving language and readability.

Peer review is at the heart of the scientific ecosystem, and Current Journal of Neurology abides by the highest standards of integrity in this process. Managing the editorial evaluation of a scientific manuscript implies responsibilities that can only be attributed to humans. Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies should not be used by editors to assist in the evaluation or decision-making process of a manuscript as the critical thinking and original assessment needed for this work is outside of the scope of this technology and there is a risk that the technology will generate incorrect, incomplete, or biased conclusions about the manuscript. The editor is responsible and accountable for the editorial process, the final decision, and the communication thereof to the authors.

Current Journal of Neurology’s AI author policy states that authors are allowed to use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process before submission, but only to improve the language and readability of their paper and with the appropriate disclosure, as per our instructions in Current Journal of Neurology’s Guide for Authors. Editors can find such disclosure at the bottom of the paper in a separate section before the list of references. If an editor suspects that an author or a reviewer has violated our AI policies, they should inform the publisher.

Current Journal of Neurology embraces new AI-driven technologies that support reviewers and editors in the editorial process, and we continue to develop and adopt in-house or licensed technologies that respect authors’, reviewers’, and editors’ confidentiality and data privacy rights.


Key Points

  • Manuscripts must be treated as confidential documents.
  • Editors should not use generative AI tools for manuscripts or related communications.
  • Peer review and editorial evaluation should be conducted by humans, not AI.
  • Authors can use AI tools for language improvement with proper disclosure.
  • Current Journal of Neurology uses AI technologies for screening and plagiarism checks while respecting confidentiality.
  • Current Journal of Neurology supports AI technologies that respect confidentiality and data privacy rights.