Document Type : Special Articles


1 Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Neurology Research Center, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.

2 Department of Pharmacology ,School of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics Research Center, Neuropharmacology Institute, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran.


Background: Cognitive  impairment  is one of the  most crucial disorders  among  multiple  sclerosis (MS) patients. Since  MS  is  an inflammatory disease   and   Boswellia papyrifera has anti-inflammatory effects, the influence of B. papyrifera  on  cognitive  impairment   in  MS patients   has been investigated  in the present study.Methods: In this clinical trial, 80 MS patients  who referred to the clinic of Shafa Hospital, Kerman, Iran were selected. Having completed a written  consent  form, patients  with relapsing remitting MS, with no occurrence of a new attack throughout 1 month  before the study, with no pregnancy or breastfeeding entered the study. The patients  were randomly divided into two groups; then Brief International Cognitive Assessment for MS (BICAMS) test was carried out. One group received B. papyrifera (capsule 300 mg, twice a day) while the other group received placebo with the same dose  for 2 months. After 2 months  of treatment, BICAMS was redone  and  changes  were  analyze .The significant change value on the before-after BICAMS points were considered  to be 8, 13, and 7 points for the symbol digit modality  test (SDMT),  the  California verbal  learning  test (CVLT),  and  the  brief visual-spatial  memory  test  revised (BVMT-R), respectively.Results:  The  patients’  mean  age  was 36.58     8.50  years. The mean duration of disease was 7.41    4.13 years. About 84.2% (n = 64) of the patients  was female. In the BVMT-R, 13 patients  (34.2%), who had  already taken  B. papyrifera, were shown to have significant improvement compared  to the  placebo  group  with  no  improvement  (P <  0.  001). About  12 and  8 patients  in the  treatment and  placebo groups in the SDMT, respectively (P = 0.200) and 17 and 12 patients  in the treatment and placebo groups in the CVLT, respectively (P = 0.170) had signi@cant change values.Conclusion: B. papyrifera showed significant improvement in  visuospatial  memory,  but   had   no  effect  on  verbal memory and information processing speed.